♥ Lenn's Craft ♥ Handmade doll ♥ Amigurumi ♥ : 2017

29 December 2017

Tsum tsum Aristocats crochet (marie - berlioz- toulouse)

Actually I crochet this aristocat amigurumi because I will give it to my friend. Shee is the first person to support me to make a craft and encourage me. Idk why but suddenly I remember her, then I realize that I didn't contcat her for a long time, so.. due to we are in end of year so I just want to give her a present. Present without reason. Just want to give her what she like and give her my craft..

I know she likes Marie since she was in school, then I thought it will better if I make another partner for Marie.
Do you know Berlioz and Toulous? Their name a bit rare to hear. Isn't it ? But if you a Artistocat movie lover. You must know them. They are appear with Marie too :)

If you still no idea who they are, try to watch the movie. It was fun and entertain and sure it has a great song too:) 


Boneka rajut custom Natal

Sebenernya agak telat ya posting foto boneka rajut tema Natal, tapi yang penting bisa share photo di blog :) Kalau di Instagram atau Facebook sih update tepat waktu.hoho

Singkat cerita aku selalu berusaha membuat craft sesuai timing. Misal, menjelang Natal, aku bikin tema tema Natal. Menjelang Chinese New Year, ya aku bikin tema oriental.

Jadi yang namanya berkarya juga perlu memperhatikan situasi dan kondisi, apalagi kita sebagai seller juga. Pinter-pinter bikin sesuatu lah..

Buat temen-temen yang mau custom sesuaikan timing. Silakan langsung kontak ya :)

25 November 2017

Lenn's Craft Anniversarry

Tanggal 24 November kemarin ,Lenn's Craft udah 6 tahun nih.. sebenernya yang bikin tercengang adalah, waktu berlalu begitu cepat!
Masih inget dulu awal mulai karena iseng di tahun 2011. Iseng posting foto boneka boneka rajut hasil iseng dan hobi ternyata banyak yang suka. Dulu sempet berkhayal, 5 tahun lagi aku kaya apa? Ternyata setelah 6 tahun berlalu, aku seperti ini. Hahahaha...

Oke balik lagi ke Lenn's Craft. Yang bikin aku seneng adalah ketika customer yang custom boneka denganku, dan mereka puas entah angin dari mana aku merasakan kebahagiaan yang susah dijelaskan. Aku rasa bagi kalian yang bekerja di industri seni juga merasakan hal serupa. Bangga dan puas ketika orang apresiasi karya kita.

Sebenernya masih banyak resolusi yang belum tercapai. Semoga di tahun tahun kedepannya, Lenn's Craft makin sukses. Masih banyak plan yang belum terealisasi namun pelan-pelan aku akan mengusahakannya.

Dan buat para customer dan teman yang selalu support aku, terima kasih banyakk >.<

17 November 2017

Pengalaman Lenn's Craft casting TV host acara crafting

 Sebenernya ini pengalaman sudah cerita lama, tapi karena hari ini aku lagi rajin cerita kali ini aku mau share pengalaman aku Casting untuk acara TV host di RTV.
Suatu sore aku mendapatkan message dari Mba Yuni selaku team creative Think Out Of The Box RTV, beliau mengundang aku untuk datang ke studio 4 RTV di cawang. (Deket lah sama rumah)
Mba Yuni juga meminta aku untuk menyiapkan materi tutorial craft untuk dibawakan dan yang cukup mudah diikuti penonton.

Oke, karena acara dadakan . Otak juga kaget ya. Akhirnya bongkar-bongkar lemari dan terinspirasi bikin cushion. Bahasa gampangnya, tusukan jarum pentul lah. Karena tusukan jarum pentul bentuknya gitu gitu aja dan membosankan, aku membuat tusukan jarum pentul yang juga bisa untuk hiasan di meja.

 Tentu aku sudah mempersiapkan matang-matang. Bikin script ala ala, Siapin bahan dan alat lengkap, bahkan bawa contoh hasil karya lain.
Oke.. kalau ditanya gimana rasanya? Ini pertanyaan complicated deh. Jawabnya nano-nano. Deg-degan banget. Yang awalnya sudah hapalin script dengan baik dan benar. Sampai depan kamera yang banyak dan lighting yang terang benderang, aku banyak BLANK. Hahaha. Grogi iya, lidah rasanya kaku banget. Aku rasa aku tipe orang yang grogian deh kalau baru pertama kali ketemu, mendadak jadi diem .

Entah mengapa ya, aku dua kali casting untuk TV host acara craft, selalu aku orang pertama yang casting. jadinya kan makin grogi sampa kaki geter. Oke, aku cuma bisa kasi dua foto di studio RTV. Kenapa kok pelit foto? Bukan pelit foto, abis disana sibuk juga. Pertama di ruang tunggu aku cuma hapalin script dari pihak team creative. Sampai dalam studio aku kenalan dengan team lain , test clip on, test camera dll. Aku juga teralihkan oleh banyak kerajinan tangan di sana. Hehe. Disana banyak barang unik. Pipa-pipa dijadiin rak, ada drum kaleng dijadikan bangku, koran dijadikan keranjang, mesin jahit lama jadi meja. Well sepertinya kalau aku jelasin ada apa saja, bisa full blogku. Sayang ya, aku casting gak bawa temen, coba bawa temen, dapet deh sesi dokumentasi.

Jadi buat kalian yang dapet tawaran casting jadi host. Yang wajib dan utama dipersiapkan adalah Mental ! Harus tenang dan fokus!

Kalau Foto ini aku ambil di Biz net TV. Salah satu TV kabel terkenal di Indonesia. Studionya di Mid Plaza 2. Kalau di Biz net aku dapat undangan dari Mas Imam untuk acara anak-anak seputar dunia kerajinan tangan juga. Tentu juga aku sudah menghapalkan script. Sampai temenku bosan denger aku bergumam terus. Hahahaa.
Seperti biasa kalau casting pasti ada sesi perkenalan di depan kamera, dan yang bikin aku zebel adalah.... harus membahas tinggi badan dan berat badan asli. Gak boleh manipulasi.

Kalau yang di Biz Net ini grogi iya, tapi masih fun. Mungkin karena ga banyak kamera dan ga banyak orang. Jadi lebih tenang.
Disana aku membuat tutorial cara membuat pembatas buku berbentuk ulat dari kertas. Kalau kalian tanya mana hasilnya??? Hasilnya dibawa sama Mas Imam. Ga sempet foto juga. Huhuhu.

Yah gitu aja pengalaman aku. Buat kalian yang dapet tawaran casting sih kalau menurut aku siapin mental, materi, harus rajin senyum. Oh yaa,, ini penting juga, harus datang lebih awal. Jangan meninggalkan kesan negatif di pertemuan pertama. Aku lebih awal 1 jam kok. Kalau bingung mau ngapain sejam, masih bisa nongkrong di J-CO menikmati indahnya langit.

Sekian dah share pengalaman aku. Nanti kalau ada topik lain, aku share ~

Custom Boneka Rajut sticker Line

Akhir- akhir ini Lenn's Craft sering dapat pertanyaan "Bikin karakter stiker Line gak? Selain Moon, Brown, Conny?" Nahh jawabannya adalaahhh.... ada kok . Kali ini aku bikin Molly the rabbit. Kelinci yang mukanya tengil. Tentu sebenernya stiker Line lain banyak karakter, dan kalau kamu tertarik untuk membuat boneka rajut dengan karakter stiker dari Line. Bisa banget custom dengan Lenn's Craft.

Tinggal capture sticker favorit , kirim ke kontak aku (wa, line, email , etc) . Ditunggu ~

14 November 2017

Boneka rajut BTS Korean Idol - Album Run

Heloo BTS lovers, siapa yang suka sama K-pop? Aku yakin banyak banget diantara kalian yang suka K-pop, Begitu pula diriku. Well, pasti tau donk BTS, buat kamu yang ngakunya BTS lovers nih, yang suka koleksi pernak pernik BTS, Lenn's craft bikin boneka rajut tema BTS versi chibi donk.
Tentunya bisa custom mau sesuai dengan pakaian BTS di album yang mana.

Untuk yang aku share ini diambil dari album Run yang pas Suga rambutnya hijau gemes-gemes .
Jadi buat kalian yang mau custom boneka sesuai bias favorit , boleh kontak aku di profile tercantum cp aku.

Next time aku akan share hasil lainnya , buat inspirasi kalian kalau yang suka di dunia per chibi-an.

29 October 2017

Batman Amigurumi Boneka Wisuda

Batman is fictional hero and I bet people know this character. Of course I made in chibi version to make him look cuter than the real character. Making doll in chibi version it doesn't mean we will eliminate the mark. So as my customer wish, she want Batman in graduation attire, I made the clothes as her charachter clothes of campus.

For Indonesia friends who interest to purchase this Custom Graduation Plush, just drop message (see on my profile)
And don't worry if you aren't live in Indonesia, cause Lenn's Craft ship for worldwide :)

17 October 2017

Cheshire crochet doll-boneka rajut Lenn's Craft

Selling crochet doll custom made from Alice in Wonderland movie character named Cheshire. Worldwide shipping from Jakarta.

If you interest to purchase, please drop a message. Of course if you are a crafter too, hopefully my craft would inspire you all.

29 September 2017

Baby rattle crochet (unicorn-bunny-giraffe)

Making toys for your beloved baby is being pleasure and will be a pride as a mom. My friend was excited to crochet bandana for her baby , she was very proud and happy about the result. Hearing the story, I also make a pattern for the beginner crocheter for make baby's stuff . And my speciality in amigurumi, so I made amigurumi for baby stuff. Ohh and don't forget to choose soft yarn . Because baby will learning hold rattle and maybe will put it on their mouth. 
Of course it is easy and there are already attached step by step photos that I explain.

04 September 2017

Woody Toy Story amigrumi pattern

Selling Finished Plush of Woody Toy Story plush and pattern. Available on Etsy Pattern for sale.
World wideshipping from Indonesia.

If you want to custom order please leave a message (you can see on my profile )

Lenn's Craft menjual boneka rajut aka amigurumi dan bisa custom ataupun pilih dari photo yang sudah terlampir :)

01 August 2017

Hasil karya Lenn's Craft siap kirim ke luar Indonesia

Sebagai crafter, pasti kita sangat senang jika hasil karya kita bisa diterima masyarakat. Terlebih oleh masyarakat luas.

Aku sangat senang ketika mendapat orderan ke luar negri. Kenapa ? Karenaa.. itu artinya karyaku benar benar dicintai. Tidak hanya masyarakat Indonesia yang bisa menyukainya, bahkan "bule" pun bisa ikut menyukainya. Yeaayy

Berikut foto beberapa orderan yang kirim ke South Carolina, California, Canada , Ontario, Lincoln (US dan UK)

Pernah aku juga menpunyai customer dari Singapura, Filipina, Meksiko, Chili, German, Perancis dan lainnya. Rasanya walau aku tidak keliling dunia. Entah mengapa .. kok rasanya boneka hasil buatanku dan desain desainku bisa keliling dunia aku ikut senang ya (entah perasaan apa ini)

Semoga sih kedepannya Lenn's Craft bisa menyajikan karya karya untuk penikmat handmade art di manapun. Dan aku akan berusaha selalu memberikan karya terbaikku :)

Thank your support to me. From the zero now my work is really accepted by society both in the local or overseas.

Marie cat tsum tsum amigurumi

Finally I can post my other work. This time it is still a tsum tsum in a different version and character . Here you are Marie Cat. The prettiest cat we ever seen.

Early on I was hesitant to make this Marie cat because the character is quite complicated. But I thought I could
simplify the face but still looks cute and pretty.

Especially in the eyes. One of the keys to making a plush is in her eyes (according me). And to be honest. We thought it is simple, just a small toy and so on . But trust me, the face were pretty hard to created.
  Hope it inspires you. Or hopefully a marie collector anywhere, who wants to purchase it. dont hesitate to drop a message :)

02 July 2017

Ice Cone Stitch mini amigurumi- crochet doll

Sepertinya akhir - akhir ini Lenn's Craft terkena demam Disney. Kemarin setelah bikin tsum tsum rajutan yang gemes abis, sekarang aku bikin yang baru nih. Tokoh dari Disney lagi.
Yeayy... Kali ini bikin stitch dan scrump dalam bentuk ice cone. Hasil jadinya kecil sekitar 9 cm. Tapi justru yang kecil gini buatnya susah. apalagi bikin scumpnya yang kecil kaya pilus.

Buat Disney freak yang koleksi Stitch plushie. Nih buat lengkapin koleksi kalian. Mau order silakan hubungi aku, kontak ada di profile.

*soon bikin Disney yang lain*

21 June 2017

Disney tsum tsum amigurumi pattern

Amigurumi is a Japanese Craft that makes dolls from crochet . Since I was kid I've liked dolls and handicrafts. Now I am very happy to enjoy my job as an Indonesian crafter. In addition to channeling hobbies, make money as well. Now I not only sell finished dolls. I also sell the pattern. Of course with a clear step by step photo. Can you find me at Etsy store.
Here I present Tsum tsum disney amigurumi. I never getting bore to make tsum tsum!!

For you who are outside Indonesia and want to order custom dolls. Of course I provide sending service abroad. Please leave a message and as soon as I will reply.

12 June 2017

Pusheen with bunny ear amigurumi pattern

I think I fall in love with pusheen again, I created new variation of her. With new color and new shaped. For crafter who like pusheen, I inform you that I also sell the pattern amigurumi on my etsy store. Or drop email if you want to purchased the finised doll or pattern. Of course I provide to worldwide shipment. Etsy store

03 June 2017

K pop Boyband Vixx doll

K pop lovers yang suka koleksi boneka chibi biasnya terutama boneka Vixx. Lenn's Craft juga bikin amigurumi custom nih. Untuk mewujudkan kreasi chibi biasnya dalam bentuk boneka rajut. Untuk baju atau warna rambut bisa disesuaikan dengan foto album boyband/ girlband tersebut.

19 May 2017

Girl crochet doll Amigurumi pattern with embroidery eyes tutorial

My friend give her name Rosalinda, actually I dont know, where she get that name. It just remind me to old telenovela film with name Rosalinda. Ok, forget bout that telenovela. I want to introduce you my new girl with 21 cm tall. And here you are... I presdent you new creation with her face. See the difference ?

Make eye with emboidery hand. Sound difficult ? Not really, I give you step by step how to create in on my etsy store. or, if you want to purchase this pattern. Just drop message. I'll send through email.

14 May 2017

Tsum tsum pooh in bee costume amigurumi

Hello Pooh lovers~ I present you amigurumi pattern made by me. Pooh tsum tsum in bee costume. Create yours~

Approximately 8cm length (if use same yarn and hook).
The pattern uses 3.0 crochet hook (2.25 mm) and cotton yarn.

This is pattern only not the finished doll. Pattern in format PDF with photo and explain step by step. (7 pages) include pattern for cutting your felt fabric.

This is original design. I put a lot of effort in creating , writing patterns, taking photos.

If you have question, don't hesitate to contact me or purchase it on my etsy store Etsy store Lenn's Craft

12 May 2017

Mr. Tiny Panda in Love

Crochet all by yourself this adorable Tiny Panda.

Approximately 9cm tall (if use same yarn and hook).
The pattern uses 3.0 crochet hook (2.25 mm) and cotton yarn.

He will make a perfect decoration for an room, a child's room, or even hung to the rearview mirror of your car, as your bag charm and so on .

This is pattern only not the finished doll. Pattern in format PDF. (6 pages)

This is original design. I put a lot of effort in creating , writing patterns, taking photos.

This tutorial is for personal use only. It may not be reproduced, resold, translated, modified, shared or published (in whole or in part). You can use this tutorial to make amigurumis for yourself, as a gift, or for charity. Buying this tutorial does not give you the right to sell finished items.

Thank you for your visit! Contact me for more info or buy this pattern on my Etsy store >.<

08 May 2017

Monkichi Amigurumi pattern

Monkichi Sanrio Character ready to deliver to your house. Wanna make your own and need the pattern. Contact me or visit my etsy Store  Lenn's Craft on Etsy .
Untuk Temen-temen yang di Indonesia, yang minat custom boneka rajut aka amigurumi untuk special occasion, silakan kontak (cek profile)

04 May 2017

Captain Jack Sparrow pirates of Caribbean amigurumi crochet doll pattern

People love Captain Jack Sparrow and so do I, then i create my own doll inspired by Captain Jack Sparrow, I also sell this pattern on Esty store in pdf format (16 pages). I made them clearly and esay to understand. Complete with step by step photos.

But if you intend to buy finished doll, Just drop message and gladly i will make him for you. World wide shipment from Jakarta.

Pusheen in mermaid costume amigurumi pattern

Do you know pusheen ? First time I knew Pusheen when I look at my own facebook. Then I dunno why , I just like using that stiker when chit chat with my friend. Due of that, finally i create one of my stiker favorite.

Yupp.. pusheen in her mermaid costume, Lenn's craft not only sell the finised doll for worldwide shipment, but also I sell pattern. Find me on Etsy or just drop email or private message ~

Pusheen is ready to accompany your day!