♥ Lenn's Craft ♥ Handmade doll ♥ Amigurumi ♥ : March 2014

04 March 2014

Chibi Maruko Chan amigurumi

Chibi Maruko Chan is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Momoko Sakura. The series depicts the simple, everyday life of Momoko Sakura in the times of when she was a little girl where everyone call her Maruko and her family inSuburban Japan in the year 1974. It was a lolevy TV series when I was kid. And every sunday I always wathched it. Then when I was high school. My teacher said. "If i saw Helen. it remind me with Chibi Maruko Chan"

Maruko  is a nine-year-old third grade student raised in a relatively poor family of six. She is lazy, disorganized and usually late for school, in strong contrast with her neat, calm, and tidy older sister (a sixth-grader) who must share her room with her. Maruko, like many kids, tries to avoid homework and chores, and she takes advantage of her doting grandfather and squabbles with her sister. Nevertheless, she is a well-meaning child who tries to do good. She has many food dislikes, including  tomatoes. She loves reading manga and is a good artist, and her stated goal is to become a manga artist when she grows up.

In one episode, she admired and aspired to be like Helen Keller, Mother Teresa, and Marie Curie. It is implied that the show is drawn by Maruko herself. Maruko has a problem with her sister cooking and throws whirlwind tantrums. She knows a lot about her mother, father, and grandmother.

I hope you dont like her of being lazy attitude . She is very talented despite her lazy and loving family really. We can learn how she back after get fight with her sister, how she love parent deeply.Who curious with this anime Just try to find the movie. Very entertaining :)

Tinkerbell handmade craft

Tinker Bell has been one of Disney's most important branding icons for over half a century, and is generally known as "a symbol of 'the magic of Disney'
Tinker Bell as a young, attractive, blonde haired, big blue eyed, white female, with an exaggerated hour-glass figure. She is clad in a short lime-green dress with a rigid trim, and green slippers with white puffs. She is trailed by small amounts of pixie dust when she moves, and this dust can help humans fly if they think happy thoughts

I'm starting to like Tink lately since I play a game on my phone. And I started searching on internent about tinkerbell story. Turns out he was full of magic figure huh? Why when I was little I did not like it huh? Yahh I do not know that matters now I'm trying to make a sweet Tink figure . Thadaa~

Rainbow Bunny-Kitty boneka rajut

Terkadang kita perlu berani untuk mencoba sesuatu hal yang baru. Karena hal-hal baru banyak memberikan kita pengalaman, pembelajaran berbeda dengan sebelumnya. Yahh bisa mengubah suasana hati lah. Biar gak mendung dan hujan terus seperti cuaca akhir akhir ini.

Aku pun memulai membuat boneka rajut yang baru. Dengan bahan yang texturnya lebih kasar dan berat. diameter benang lebih besar. Dan yang paling menarik adalahhhh. Warnanya! Bagaimana menurut kalian? How CUTE!! Melihat boneka ini rasanya kita teringat akan permen lolipop yang manis kan?

Lenn's Craft kali ini berani bermain warna >.<
Walaupun mungkin terlalu childish. Tapi boneka ini memiliki daya tarik di keistimewaan gradasinya. Membuat orang yang melihatnya terbawa suasana yang Fun

Bunny dan Kitty rajutan ini ready loh. Aku sengaja membuatnya limited dan exklusif. Kalau kalian ada yang minat kontak aku ya. Chuuu~ Muach