♥ Lenn's Craft ♥ Handmade doll ♥ Amigurumi ♥ : January 2013

22 January 2013

Wedding Gift amigurumi who flight to Korea by Lenn's craft

This time Lenn's Craft got a project to make amigurumi for Korean’s wedding gift. I forget exactly where the excat town. I just remember South Korea. WAW. My craft are going to Korea.

Since the theme is marriage. So I made a couple of course. And a little decoration using mini pearl and tulle for make some kind of wedding dress. Bring a small bouquet also let them more deserve being couple. .

Why I created bear?? Because according me bear are more universal anyway. Then yoyo and cici. Why Yoyo Cici. Because they are identical with the cute couple like they are who marriage. So I hope that Koreans can also apperciate with my craft. Cause I design it by my own ^.^

See ya my craft. Hope all of you happy there. xoxo

K Pop star flanel handmade doll (hottest and 2PM)

Hollaa.. kali ini aku akan share hasil karya aku. Tepatnya kerjaan skitar bulan Desember. Masih berkaitan dengan 2PM.
Kenapa baru share sekarang? Jawabnya mudah.. karena aku lupa @.@
Maklum aku agak sdikit sibuk, jadinya kelewatan. Sibuk atau sok sibuk ya??

Jadi masih berkaitan dengan hottest (salah satu penggemarnya) dan 2 PM ketika konser Desember kemarin. Aku membuat boneka flannel untuk atribut konser 2PM ini. Jadi bentuknya sih chibi ala Nichkhun dan Junho.

Aku sih menyesuaikan warna baju dengan warna favorit Nichkhun yaitu ungu. Dan Junho merah ^.^
Kalau urusan model rambut sihh aku coba mirip miripin yang di MV lama aja.

Gak lupa di bajunya aku jahit dengan nama mereka. Pake hangul dongg. Biar lebih Korea korea gimana gitu.

Demam Korea ya dimana mana? Jadi aku juga akan mencoba membuat handicraft ala ala Korea Drama, K Pop. Penasaran?? Tunggu next sharenya. PASTI akan aku design dan buat. hhoho

14 January 2013

Flanel fruit cake

It seems a long time I did not share the results of my work of flannel craft huh?
I love to make crafts such as cake flannel. Why? because it can make the other person's eyes are full and that makes me feel too full and tease. They are so colorful and eyecatching. *cling*

Especially children love to see the little cakes that I make. So there is a sense be happy when they are happy. Even some child think this flannel cakes can be eaten.

So this time I'm going to show off some cookies actions. Very colorful. lots of cake , but we need long long time to make all of them.

But now I am  glad to see they can still tease me like a real fruit cake

Wanna buy one of them?? Just send me message and make your own design and your favorite cake>.<

11 January 2013

Hello Kitty kawaii amigurumi キティあみぐるみこんにちは

 Well, I wonder why I wrote "Take me with you"? Hahaha. I should write them down "Take me Out". Like Indonesian TV show.

It is my new design of Hello Kitty. Kawaii huh? I also love them. Even thought I had some troubles when crochet them.

I combine maroon with pink. Still analog color right? And still very compatible to me. With floral lace on her dress so as not to sweeten the bland doll. I love the photo. There is pretty flower. My Mom's flower. 

Hope you like Hello Kitty's. Because I'm sure Hello Kitty is very popular.

Next time I'll share other design of Hello Kitty * promise *
Keep visit my blog ya. Follow and like facebook page. (promotion again)

It is the above pictured Hello kitty and friends as amigurumi made by me. Hwhwhw

Hmm seems I have to make friends to Hello Kitty .  She is The "My Melody"!

Hijab handicraft doll

 Hey, maybe you're bored ya see my designs dolls that have hair disheveled. Colourful hair and ribbon on top?
Okay Lenn's Craft not lose the idea. This time I make dolls with clothes coat doctor and it turns out they are smart and hijabers doctor.

No doubt, it's the stylish hijabers. Still lokks pretty with their covered clothes. Nowdays many hijabers that appear very fashionable. Sooo I must make cute and lovely hijab doll too!!

I have a friend hijabers too. And so, I liked to see how to wear pasmina. Hihihi. Do not forget the small accessories such as brooches do not forget to accompany her hijab ^. ^

5 Girls and 2 boys. Andd they are doctorss 

Bunny in Love amigurumi

A pair of rabbits who are in love >. <
It feels like their own world, and the other contracts. Hahaha. Don't like it when you're in love?

Actually, the rabbit girl. I've ever made ​​before. Because pity she did not have a partner, alone and lonely. Then I made partner so that the rabbit has a friend.

 Kyaaa~ What they are they doing? Any one knows??

10 January 2013

Handdrawing- Sketching

Share kerjaan lama...

Itu adalah kerjaanku ketika aku masih sangat amat dan jatuh cinta dengan dunia anime. Mungkin sekitar SMA. Masa indah bagi kebanyakan orang tapi monoton bagiku. *curcol* Seharusnya aku latih terus tanganku biar luwes. Tapi sayang,, waktu itu sibuk akan plajaran. Super sibuk!

Oleh sebab itu, dulu aku tergila gila akan dunia desain, fashion design dan bercita cita menjadi fashion designer. Padahal basicnya aku orangnya tomboy tapi suka aja ama art. LoL

Sampai sekarang masih mengupayakan jadi fashion designer. Walau sedikit hambatan aral melintang. Cielahh...
Dulu koleksi gambar anime animeku banyakkkk. Tapi entah kemana deh. Sejak pindah rumah sudah entah kemana nasib nasib mereka.
Pingin sihh share gambarku yang sekarang..Tapi malu ,jadi aneh deh hand drawingku. Kalau kalau uda PeDe mau buat blog / web isinya desain aku. Tar mampir yaa. *ngarep*

Tutorial membuat adonan Clay

Karena sering melihat kerajinan Clay di mall yang begitu keren, lucu dan detail. Mulailah hati ini tergoda untuk icip-icip membuat kerajinan Clay. Kalu kita lihat sih kayanaya GAMPANG. Gitu-gitu doang lahh. 

Dan ternyataaaa setelah dicoba sendiri... alamakkk susahnyaaa ampun deh. selain harus sabar, teliti, membuat adonannya saja harus dengan extra hati hati. 

Kalau beli bahan clay yang dijual di mall harganya memang muahall,, tapi kualitas import sih . Gak heran. Jadi aku coba membuat adonan clay sendiri dengan bahan yang mudah kita dapetin di toko.

a. tepung terigu 70 gr
b. tepung tapioka 70 gr
c. tepung beras 70 gr
d. lem putih 180 gr
Sebenernya pemberian pengawet makanan (Natrium Benzoat) sedikit bolehh sih, biar adonannya tahan lama dan tidak jamuran . Tapi ya terserah sih.

a. Campurkan semua tepung ke dalam baskom
b. Campur tepung dengan lem kemudian uleni hingga rata. (Agak lama dan agak berat, kerahkan seluruh tenaga! :p)
c. Campur clay dengan warna  yang diinginkan, kemudian aduk sampai merata

 Contoh adonan clay gagal. Euhhh
 Contoh adonan clay yang hampir jadi (yang sukses)
Contoh adonan yang siap diberi warna dan dibentuk

Nahh itulah hasil icip icipku. Susahnya ga bohongan. hahaha. Ditambah lagi cat yang aku punya waranya limited. Alhasil cuma bisa warna coklat, putih, kuning, hitam. 
Kapan -kapan coba bermain dengan clay deh