♥ Lenn's Craft ♥ Handmade doll ♥ Amigurumi ♥ : 2013

24 December 2013

Christmas amigurumi doll with Lenn's Craft

Merry Christmas everyone. How does your Christmas eve last night? or maybe you still get Christmas gifts from your friends or family? Ahh how sweet if you get a Christmas gift. I'm so envious. If I still now in charge of giving a Christmas gift to the people. Primarily the result of an artificial hand.

Last year I made a Christmas deer. But This time I made a cute animal-themed Christmas. Of course the typical application christmas. Namely santa hat. Santa red shirt or dress. scarf colorful warmers and gifts. Do not forget there is a snowman. because Christmas is synonymous with a snowman.Nmaun country dear in tropical countries. So real I've never touched the snowman. only in my imagination, hohoho enjoy>. <

This is brown from Line sticker with the gift for Conny~
He looks like with Papa Santa. Bring green bag full of joy and love.

Snowball with rainbow hat. ahahahayy
See you next christmas edition, 

12 October 2013

Rilakkuma wedding handmade doll

Entah mengapa boneka bertema wedding itu selalu  nampak cute. Begitu pula dengan rilakkuma. Siapa yangtak tau beruang coklat yang imut ini. 
Apalagi ketika berpasangan dengan couple-nya Korilakkuma dengan wedding costumenya >.<
Kelihatan so sweet kan?? Cocok banget buat gift yang mau merried ya??

28 September 2013

Keroro gunso doll

In Japan there is a well-known cartoon character. His name Keroro Gunso. Perhaps you are in Indonesia for a little bit less familiar yah? It is a green frog-shaped cartoon character. Air film genre comedies that follow the Attempts of a platoon of frog-like alien invaders to conquer Earth.

And if you go to the mall or a fancy gift store, It is very rare we encounter this frog right? Well it makes me understand and plan for it. So I made ​​a lot of unique ^.^

Mr. Bean Teddy bear doll

Wahh if when you saw this teddy guys remember the legendary figure who often appears on TV?
Should still you remembered to Mr Bean ^. ^ And his lovely teddy

Hopefully similar with the official stuffed. Hehe well with mr bean teddy. This time I made ​​it with a large enough size. Like the original size owned by mr. bean skitar 30 cm in height.

Well though at first I was a few times need enough time to operation teddy who chubbiness he stands. But when I try to look like this yah lah
What's your opinon??.

Fat Piggy amigurumi

Guys, piggy tuffed  seems no death huh? we never get tired of seeing variations piggy fat and is identical with the color pink. Although not actually exist on this earth pig pink.

so, this time I made ​​a fat piggy

The first picture as you can see. has eyes that glow series. Hahaha. Inspired by manga comics eyes

and the last picture is the pork version with a face palm. Looks pigs are innocent yes

If you want to buy a little pig pig above please contact me. * read profile *

16 September 2013

Lenn's Craft diliput Metro TV

Holla ^.^ apa kabar semuanya? Aku harap kabar baik semua. Aku juga baik baik saja kok *ga ada yang tanya*
Postingan kali ini aku akan bercerita tentang aku (Helen Lin) dan tentunya Lenn's Craft tersayang.

Tepatnya tanggal 28 agustus 2013. Waktu itu aku sedang membuat pola pakaian. Nahh aku gak denger handphone aku berbunyi sampai 5x. Maklum lagi konsentrasi buat pola dan desain baju.

dan ternyata ada sms dari mba Ayu dari Metro TV >.<

Singkat Cerita, Mba Ayu ingin mewawancara aku untuk liputan B-News Metro TV

Coba tebak apa reaksiku saat itu?
tepatnya gak percaya dulu, lalu ketawa ketawa sendiri. yah pasti Seneng sih, Ada media TV nasional tertarik meliput aku. *banggaa*

Ini beberapa boneka yang diliput untuk B-News Metro TV.

Saat wawancara, aku juga disuruh untuk mempraktekkan cara membuat boneka rajut. Tapi aku tidak bisa memfoto diriku sendiri dong. Masa lagi diliput aku foto foto sendiri? hahaha

Nahh mas kameramen saat itu berencana untuk memfoto aku dengan mba Ayu untuk dokumentasi. Tapiii *nangis bombay dulu*
karena keasyikan ngobrol ama mas dan mba dari Metro TV ini, aku bisa bisanya lupaa foto bareng. OH NO!! Padahal kan bisa untuk dokumentasi loh

Sebelum pulang, Kru dari Metro TV berkata "kita akan kontak mba kalau akan tayang ya mba Helen" 
Me: *senyum-senyum girang, angguk angguk kepala*

Hari keesokannya aku tungguin sms dari Mba Ayu, ternyata Tidak ada sms
Perlu diketahui,waktu itu handphone aku lagi trouble. SMS kadang suka ga ada notifnya *serius*
Esoknya lagi aku tunggu sms dari Mba Ayu . Belum juga ada sms

haduh ni aku bagaikan nunggu sms dari pacar aja. wkwkwk

Nahh tanggal 4 September. Sampai sore pun aku masih belum ada sms kabar dari kru.

4 September 2013, skitar jam 19.00
aku dan mama lagi makan malam di rumah.
Mama : "kapan liputanmu tayang?"
Aku : "belum ada kabar ma"

Ehhh baru aja diomongin, papa keluar dari kamarnya, 
"Lenn, tuhh liputanmu masuk B-News"

Buset deh, baru aja dibahas, aku langsung ambil handphone. Niatnya sih ngevideo amatir gitu.
Baru mau divideo ehhh tiba tiba TV dirumah ada tulisan "NO SIGNAL"

okay, setel TV yang lain. *masih niat buat video amatir*
ealaah, malah semut-semutan. trus tiba tiba "No SIGNAL" 
haduhh apes deh. aku sendiri ga liat liputannya kaya apa. hikshiks 

tapi yasudahlah apa daya. Besok besok benerin antena tipi kali yaa. Yang jelas, temen, guru, customer aku sempet nonton. Tapi aku sendiri ga nonton
Dan sedihnyaaa.. Ga punya dokumentasinya. Huaaaa @.@
mungkin next time kalo ada stasiun TV lainnya yang mau liput dehh

09 August 2013

Super mini flanel cake

Koleksi cake flanelku yang super imut >.< 
Kecilll sekali dan amat ribet ketika aku membuatnya. *Muka serius*
Karena harus detail dan tetap rapi. Yahh, walaupun buatanku tidak rapi rapi amat yah

Diameter sekitar 1.5 cm tingginya 2 cm
hihihi. Kalau kue beneran pasti tidak aakan kenyang walau makan sepiring

Tuh lihat kecil banget kan~ Tantangan dalam membuatnya. Ada saudara sepupuku yang ingin membelinya, Namun aku tidak menjual yang koleksi ini. Khusus koleksi ini tidak dijual :p

Mini Rilakkuma doll and living room

Create something new. Yeay!!
Rilakkuma doll with two rather large size of the first one and the second one a little smaller.
Well I also made ​​a sofa, desk, TV, a small cake, light. All are made of flannel. hohoho
I intend to make a modest living room. Well here's the result. I was reminded of was a kid when mom bought me a toy house home and tiny teddy bear. And hey! I can make their own toys. lol

So friends if you are also going to make your own toys when you were little?

05 August 2013

Lenn's Craft diliput media dan menjadi covernya~

Temannn. Maafkan aku yang terlambat posting.Beberapa waktu lalu aku sempat bercerita jika Lenn's Craft diliput oleh media. Yaitu tabloid Peluang Wirausaha. Seneng sekali rasanya akhirnya kesampaian juga aku diliput. Hehehe~

Jadi cover tabloid pula. Berasa seperti model nih *pede mode on* Nahh kali ini aku akan share beberapa gambar seperti apakah wujudku yang dijadikan cover. Wuakakakk
Nah kali ini aku share sedikit fotonya yah. Walau muka aku rada kucel pas difoto. Hahaha

02 August 2013

Haroro doll - Jason Dream High doll

Talk  about Korean TV shows, Korean drama.
I made a doll that looks at the film "Dream High". Kim phil suk always hugging this stuff to remind her bout Jason.

And I also have seen her on the show runnig man. I wonder what the name of this doll. Haroro doll maybe. If you know the name of this stuff just comment and correct me  if I was wrong

Ah I do not know. Anyway there is in the movie Dream high and running man deh. I also do not really know.

Anybody want to hug this doll?

Minion crochet doll

Papoy papoy. Banana bananaaa. Seemingly ubiquitous virus minion. All knick knacks smelled minion.
Dave-Kevin-Stuart look so exist!

I was also like minion. small, yellow, and their voice is very adorable. I had also made ​​a minion shaped knickknacks. Don’t you think a little bit fat? (My doll)?
Probably because most eat bananas so fat~

Papoy are never dies! As you can see, I try to make another version. The first time I made papoy, the eye part, I crochet them. But now, I use application eye and make them have another face. haha. Still cute laa~

Running man doll by Lenn's Craft


I finally have a day off as well. Yeay hplidayy. The day that I desire. Why? Because I miss you all. Kyakyakyaa. *joking*

Surely you know the Korean TV Show that were hits! Running Man ~
I also love to watch this show. Very entertaining.

Discusses runningman. This time Lenn's Craft  making chibi doll personnel running man.

Chibi doll may not be able to have facial detail. therefore, uniform running behind this man, I added the names of personnel using hangul.

of you there may be confused. Who's that long blue hair next? It is demand of my customer. Chibi G-Dragon. Characteristic of his hair at Fantastic Baby. Sparkling blue. Rich gum. hehehe

24 May 2013

Turtle with black hat handmade doll

It is stuffed with two versions of the same shape but different warrants. The only brown with purple shell and the another one is standar colour  for turtle. so that his head is not bald, I put  black hat for so sweetener, and for doesn’t look bald..

Couple Devil crochet doll

I would eliminate the paradigm that's something that smells halloween are scary. The proof I've made ​​this devil doll. Exactly a year ago. I forgot to post. They look cute right? Turns devil can also pair up and have love. kekkkeke: p

So why girl didn’t ever try to loving Halloween stuff?  I personally try to like Halloween stuff, tough in my country they are quite hard to find

Patrick Star amigurumi by Lenn's Craft

Kali ini share photo si patrick. Si bintang laut pink yang agak songong di film kartun Spongebobs square pants.
Tapi kali ini aku buatnya Patrick dengan muka "cewe" haha. Kan pernah tuh di filmya si Patrick dandan ala cewe. Walau mnurutku ga  mirip cewe.